Friday, August 12, 2011

Are you a good person?

Are You A Good Person?
Do you consider yourself to be a good person?
The way you can see if you are good or not is to look at the Ten Commandments.

The First Commandment is you shall have no other gods before me.
Have you always put God first in your life? Have you loved God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind? The Bible says noone seeks after God. Will you be innocent or guilty on Judgement Day for breaking the first Commandment? Judge yourself and see.

The Second Commandment is you shall not make yourself any graven image.
Basically this means not to make a god to suit yourself. Have you made a god in your own mind who thinks it's ok to lie or steal or look with lust? Is your God the one revealed in the Bible? If not, then you have committed idoltary. The Bible says no idolater will enter heaven.

The Third Commandment is you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.Have you ever used God's name with curse words? Have you used God's name lightly? Most people have. Think about it. Instead of using a four letter filth word to express disgust you are using the name of God, the Creator of all in replace of that. People don't even hate hitler enough to use his name in vain. No blasphemer will enter the Kingdom of God.

The Fourth Commandment is to remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.
Have you ever asked what God requires of you? Have you spent one day a week seeking after God? If not, then you are guilty of breaking this Commandment.

The Fifth Commandment is to honor your father and mother.
Have you always shown respect and honor to your parents? Most teenagers have dishonored their parents in some way, so think back and try to remember if you have ever dishonored your father or mother.

The Sixth Commandment is you shall not murder.
Now must people can easily say they have kept this Commandment. Yet, The Bible says that if you hate someone you're a murderer. If you are angry without cause you're in danger of judgement. Remember God looks at the heart. Have you ever hated someone?

The Seventh Commandment is you shall not commit adultery.Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. God sees every thought you have, who of us can say we havn't looked with lust? The Bible says no adulterer or fornicator(those who have had sex before marriage) will enter the Kingdom of God.

The Eighth Commandment is you shall not steal.Have you ever stolen anything? Even if it was small? A pencil, paperclip, anything once in your entire lifetime? Most people have. If you have then you are a thief and no thief can enter the Kingdom of God.

The Ninth Commandment is you shall not bear false witness.Have you ever told a lie? That includes a half truth, exaggeration, any lie ever. If you have then you are a liar. How many murders do you have to commit to be a murderer? Just one, the same is with lies, one lie makes you a liar. You may not think of lieing as something serious, but God does. The Bible warns that all liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire.

The Tenth Commandment is you shall not covet.Have you ever been greedy or jealous of other's possessions? Do you desire the things that belong to others? The covetous will not entire the Kingdom of God.

Now who can say they've kept the Commandments? Noone can, the Bible says all have sinned. You just have to break one of the Commandments to be guilty. Just like in civil law you just have to break one law to be a law breaker.

God is perfect and holy. Many will consider it reasonable that murderers and rapists go to hell. God has to punish all sin. All liars, thieves, adulterers at heart, blasphemers, all sin. If you die in your sins you'll end up in hell. Hell is everlasting torment and torture for eternity.

No one in their right mind would want to go to hell. If I offered you 20 million dollars for both your eyes, to remove them painlessly; would you accept such an offer? Most people wouldn't, because their eyes are precious to them. Yet your eyes are merely the windows of your soul. How much more precious should your soul be to you? What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?

Every day about 150,000 people die. That's about 2 people every second. We're all part of the ultimate statistic, ten out of ten people die. If we are reasonable we can come to the conclusion that we could die at any time, even today. If you die in your sins then you're headed for hell. This creates a big problem.

God doesn't want you to go to hell. God provided a way out. He sent His only Son Jesus to die on the cross for your sins. Jesus suffered a terrible death on the cross for all our sins. He was innocent and we were guilty. Jesus died and rose again. Jesus was the perfect sacrafice for all our sins.

Imagine your in a courtroom. Your guilty of a serious crime and the judge is passing your sentence. The judge says you get life in prison or you have to pay a 500 000 dollar fine. You don't have 2 pennies to rub together. Then out of nowhere, someone walks into the court room and pays the 500 000 fine for you. The judge says the fine has been paid; you're free to go. How would you feel towards the person who paid your fine? You would be grateful. That's what Jesus did for us 2000 years ago. We broke God's Law(lusted, lied, stole, etc.) and Jesus paid our fine.

If you would repent of your sins(forsake them and turn from them once and for all) and put your faith in Jesus you will be saved.

Imagine your on an airplane. It can crash at any moment. There's a parachute under your seat. You say to yourself I believe the parachute can save me. Your believe doesn't do anything for you. You have to put the parachute on. In the same way it's not enough to just believe in God. The Bible says to put on the Lord Jesus Christ. That means that once you have repented and put your faith in Jesus that you should read the Bible daily and obey what it reads.

Don't put it off anymore, if you wait till tomorrow you could be dead and end up in hell. I'm writing this because I don't want you to go to hell and God doesn't either. You must repent and put your faith in Jesus before it's too late. There's nothing else you can do. You can't bribe God with "good works" you can't earn your way into heaven or get in any other way than Jesus.

Imagine your on a highway, there are cars and trucks zooming by. You say to yourself I don't believe in cars or trucks. Does your belief change reality? No, it doesn't. In the same way whether you believe the Bible or not, or believe in God or not, it doesn't change reality. The reality is that God is going to judge you one day and if you die in your sins you are headed for hell. The Bible says you are an enemy of God through your wicked works. God's wrath abides on you. Let this fear work for your good. Like jumping out of a plane without a parachute would be fearful, the same is fearful dieing in our sins against God. Let your will to live open your heart to the Gospel of salvation.

Repent and put your faith in God thru our Lord Jesus Christ..
Confess all of your sins to God, tell Him how sorry you are. Ask God for forgiveness. Ask Him to cleanse and purify you of all your sins. Thank God for his forgiveness thru our Lord Jesus Chriat. Sin no more. Do good works. Follow the Commandments of God.

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