Friday, August 20, 2010

How we can be a Godly wife according to the Bible

A Godly Wife, According to the Bible

It amazes me how many times I hear people say that they just don't love their spouse anymore. They contemplate divorce simply because they don't feel like they are in love. I know how upsetting it can be when the marriage is not going well. I remember what it was like to be in a marriage where I did not feel love for my husband, where I was questioning why I even married him, where I was totally numb toward him. I thought that was inevitable. Everyone else seemed miserable in their marriages too. I didn't think it was possible that I would ever have feelings for my husband again.

Listening to my Minister in church and reading the Bible all the time, I learned that God does'nt want us to divorce our husbands or wives. Here is something that God taught me through my experience: we cannot trust our feelings. Our feelings will lead us astray every time. Love is a decision; an act of the will. It is NOT a feeling. It is a commitment.I don't always feel like I love my husband, but I have decided to love him, and I always will. Once I settled that in my mind, I looked for ways to express my love for him. I asked God to show me what it was about him that I fell in love with. I asked God to help me see him the way that God sees him. I acted on my decision to love him unconditionally. That is agape love. It's the love God has for us. While we were yet sinners totally undeserving of eternal life, Christ died for us. We are to love our husbands with the same kind of love. I learned to stop basing my affection on his performance. If he was good to me, I would show affection. If he was not nice, I wouldn't be nice. That doesn't work. I decided to love him 100% regardless of his behavior because that is the kind of love that God has for me, and that is the kind of love that we are to have for our husbands.

Here's the thing. The decision to show affection and love even when you don't feel it will result in feelings of love, and it opens the door for God's healing and restoration in your marriage. is NOT a feeling. It is a decision. Choose to love your husband no matter how he acts toward you. Then you will know that you have fulfilled God's will.


  1. Great Topic! I love your blogs. You are one good woman. The woman mentioned in the Bible.
