Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Poet Badge

Hello there friends,

I recently earned a Poet badge from Poetry.com when I joined them and submitted some of my poems.  This poem that I composed which i would like to share with you is entitled:

This Longing For You

This longing for you is making me sad;
Not seeing you by my side is making me mad;
I long for you every moment of day;
Your voice to hear;
Your body to touch; your love to endure;
How I wish that we’ll see each other soon;
For in your loving embrace, I want to be clad.

This waiting My Love, is such sweet sorrow;
But I know we’ll be together in the near tomorrow;
Our union is made in heaven for it has God’s hand;
Soon we’ll be together, under God’s protection we’ll stand;
Like Manner from Heaven you wait for me my love;
You’re the peace I crave for… I’m your Angelic Dove.

We talk long on the phone and meet on the net;
Soon together we’ll be for our future is set;
A handsome couple we’ll make,
With all my being for you I ache,
I look upon you and wonder…What have I done! ! !
For HIM to give me You…As My Eternal Sun.

I am thankful to Him for you I met,
I forsake all for upon you my heart is set;
We will be together come what may,
And together forever we shall lovingly stay,
My love, I’m your Dove, your partner in life,
You’ve chosen me above all…
As Your Dearest Loving Wife

Elizabeth Acosta-Kuntz

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