Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Father's Powerful Influence in his Children's Lives

A Father's Powerful Influence in his Childrens lives

1 Timothy 6:11-12

God designed fathers to be influential in children’s lives. Dads can have a big role in training their sons and daughters in godliness. This is demonstrated through love, support and modeled behavior.

Second Peter says Christian fathers have access to all they need for shepherding(bringing up) children. A father’s most powerful influence is his own walk with the Lord. Preschoolers have impressionable minds. These young children will remember seeing us read our Bible. They’ll remember us praying on our knees. These young children will remember us worshiping with other believers. I remember when I was young about 11 years old, My father will usually wake us up in the morning and tell us to get ready because we will go to church. This happened every week on Sunday until we finished College, and have grown up.

When our children are in elementary school, we can talk to them about why we pray and read the Word. They’ll notice how we look in the Scriptures for answers to life’s problems. They’ll see how we receive divine guidance in response to prayer. When they hear us express our confidence that God has a plan for them, their own trust in Him will grow.

As teenagers, they’ll watch to see how well our lives match our words. Since we’re not perfect, we’ll stumble at times. Handling our mistakes in a righteous manner and making necessary changes will speak volumes to them. This will teach them about the Lord’s forgiveness and transforming power. And our influence doesn’t stop there. It continues even when our children are grown. God did not plan for fathers to accomplish this alone. Moms, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and friends all have important roles in teaching and modeling godliness. Working together under the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we can watch our children love and serve Jesus with their whole heart.

Up to this very moment in my life, I have remarried and have grown up children of my own, Still I remember how I guided my children to be Godly people, go to church, read the bible and not to forget to thank our Almighty God thru our Lord Jesus Christ for everything that we did good or bad and everything that happened to our lives whether they are good or bad.
And I remember how I guide my grand children to read the Bible and be obedient and always attend church like my father used to do.

Thanks be to God for giving me a Father and Mother who serves the Lord our God.
Proverbs 22:6 says "Train a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" . In Proverbs 22:15," Folly is bound up in the heart of a child but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him". (NIV) I think, sometimes a child can not be disciplined by words alone. A little spanking won't hurt him.
Posted by Elizabeth Acosta Kuntz at 2:57 PM 1 comments
Labels: Happy Father's Day to All Fathers

A note from the author: I reposted this just in case my readers did not have a chance to read this article.

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